The Russian language has the reputation of being a difficult language to learn because it's based on the Cyrillic alphabet which is limited to Russia and several countries located in Eastern Europe. If you need to learn Russian as a new language or you have notions, but they need some polishing, Learn Russian Words can be a good companion.

The interface is fairly simple and fully translated in English, so language limitations aren't going to be a problem. At startup, the two main options are going to be noticed on the top left of the screen. Also, you can change the settings and pick new topics or morphology classes from the toolbar above.

If you need to start it from scratch, "Learning" is the first thing to open. Pick your topic and morphology and proceed to learn some new words. After the session is on, a list of Russian words will be displayed, with a limited duration (can be changed from "Settings), the English translation and a sound translation.

Furthermore, you can switch "Phrasebook" and learn some basic phrases that can be very useful in the day-by-day conversations.

After you feel that you made some progress and memorized a topic, you can go to "Testing" and challenge your skills. From there you can opt for four methods of testing. Display a word (in RU or EN) and pick it's the correct translation, manually write down the right answer or find a pair of words in order to reduce the number of words displayed.

Have fun while learning

In conclusion, Learn Russian Words is a helpful piece of software that gives you a helping hand with the Russian learning process. Its methods are fairly simple and catchy, and won't give you the boredom feeling as it keeps you active most of the time. Recommended to users that want to learn Russian from scratch and also for people that want to level up their Russian skills.