Local Messenger LE is the precursor of an old-school app called Popup Millenium. It’s a peer-to-peer communication application that allows users to chat and send and receive files to and from other computers on the same local area network. It does not require a server or Internet access to work.

Some of the main advantages of Local Messenger LE are the fact that it does not require any type of configuration to work, that it’s very lightweight, and it does not limit the user to simple communication.

The app is capable of transferring messages and files of any size, it can save received messages as files, send and receive “WinPopup” messages, and also comes with support for RTF format.

In terms of customization, the application offers its users the chance to change the interface language, as well as the colors of various GUI elements such as the viewer, the editor, the messages list, the user list, and the processes panel.

From the Settings section, users can tweak various aspects regarding file types, sounds, fonts, the interface itself, domains, as well as the processes and resources. Users can select the formats allowed by the editor, change or assign sounds to various events, use any of the default Windows fonts for the GUI, as well as for the viewer and editor.