Overlay is a useful software for graphic designers who need to draw a specific object according to strict guidelines or align objects by a certain pattern. The application allows you to load an image, sketch or outlines in picture formats, then toggle the transparency level, in order to view the object underneath.

Many times comparing images side-by-side is not enough in order to obtain the exact alignment or the corresponding lines. With Overlay, you can easily open the example or template image on top of the graphic editor you are working with, then adjust the layer of transparency, so you can view your work space through it.

This way, Overlay acts as a transparent coat layer that you can use as guide lines when working with graphic elements. The application is a photo viewer, with adjustable opacity, that allows you to turn its entire interface to a translucent surface. Moreover, the software allows you to rotate, resize or flip the image horizontally or vertically.

While the main window presents with such a flexible layout, the Controls window remains always on the screen and completely opaque. You may access every menu from both the main window and the Options and you can hide/unhide the displaying area at any time. The Controls window can easily be moved anywhere on the screen.

The software can open a multitude of image formats, including JPG, JPE, JFIF, BMP, JP2, GIF, PICT, PNG, TGA, TIFF or JFX. Additionally, when activating the Float option, the software’s interface turns completely invisible, leaving only the image, with the selected transparency level, on the screen.

Overlay offers you a quick and easy way to transform a certain image into a fixed, transparent layer that you can apply on top of other images and work underneath it. The software can apply a low opacity layer on top of an image without affecting its content or attributes. You can easily work with any window or application, underneath the floating Overlay image, as if it weren’t there.