Without denying that the taskbar has received a lot of attention from Microsoft in Windows 10 and you can easily customize it to suit your needs and preferences, unfortunately, it also came with some frustrating errors. Luckily, you can rely on utilities, such as PinOnTen, to re-organize and repopulate the taskbar while making sure all icons are functional.

The application does not require installation per se, but rather you can decompress it and then launch it via the Windows Command Console. In spite of the clear commands, users with no experience on how to use Command Line may find it rather challenging.

The idea behind the utility is to help you correct functionality issues related to the icons you pin on the taskbar or that you are unable to unpin due to a corrupt registry key, for instance. Regardless of the problem you are currently dealing with, you should bear in mind that you can get a full list of the apps pinned and their full paths, so you can delete, clean or fix them accordingly.

As you probably know, command lines can become quite long especially if you employ them with multiple formats and to different locations. The application can also be used for more complex situations, such as when you are trying to grab and analyze the configuration file of a program that does not launch and that you suspect is corrupted, for instance.

For this type of situations, you can use the utility's /findcommands to get the correct command to the problematic INI file. Then again, while the tool works with most shortcuts and applications, it does not support Localized executables or ModernUI apps.

Irrespective of whether you need to fix unclickable items, auto-hide issues or remove duplicate icons, for instance, PinOnTen enables you to re-arrange, customize and make the most out of your Windows 10 taskbar.