In time, your computer might start to process at slower speeds, take more time to load specific applications or even become unable to run some of them.

Although you can rely on traditional methods, such as defragmenting, to restore its capabilities, turning to dedicated software solutions can prove to be more efficient. If you find yourself in the situation above, Remo Optimizer is one of the applications that can help you.

This application comes with a basic, visually unappealing layout. However, this design features large buttons and intuitive functions that allows novices to understand most of its functions without having advanced PC operating skills.

Additionally, the top right corner of the screen displays basic specifications about your computer, such as model number, operating system or available memory and space.

Remo Optimizer allows you to perform a system scan that can identify a wide variety of issues, ranging from COM & ActiveX objects to shared DLLs and empty registry keys.

You do not need to toggle any option before or during the scan, as the program automatically scans for issues and displays them in a list. On the downside, performing any other action until the scan is finished is not possible, as this feature is not supported.

This application identifies applications that are launched upon system start and allows you to remove them from startup and boost your computer's speed.

Furthermore, you can access a configuration section where you can adjust certain settings related to startup behavior, erasing methods, scheduled tasks and notifications.

You can enable scheduling functions by toggling the weekdays and specifying the desired time. The application automatically perform scans at the date and time you previously defined.

To sum it up, Remo Optimizer is a helpful utility that can help you boost your PC's performance by identifying and removing certain unnecessary items. However, note that it features an unattractive interface and once the scan begins, it is not possible to perform any other action until it is finished.