In order to receive a CCNP certificate, you need to have an extensive knowledge over the network protocols that work behind router and modem Internet connection.

Simulation Exams for CCNP-642-902 is a handy tool that allows you to test your knowledge on network protocols and the configurations that govern behind a routed or switched connection. In order to properly function, the program requires the dedicated ITE(Integrated Test Environment) and .Net Framework installed on your computer.

The application helps you learn and prepare yourself for the Cisco CCNP certification exam, by providing you with questions meant to test your knowledge on network protocols, specifically those that work behind TCP/IP, IPX, and AppleTalk networks.

Simulation Exams for CCNP-642-902 tests your knowledge in a couple of ways. The Learn mode allows you to quickly assimilate the knowledge regarding network protocols, by offering you the answers to a question, aside from explanatory notes. The Exam mode simulates an actual test that would be given in order to obtain a Cisco CCNP certificate. You have to answer to a set of questions in a certain amount of time, and based on your knowledge, you will be graded.

The program tests and broadens your knowledge regarding network protocols, by simulating exams meant to help you pass the Cisco CCNP certification test.

Because it runs using a specific Integrated Test Environment, you can download other practice tests and exams that are meant for various Cisco certificates, depending on the ones you wish to attain.

All in all, Simulation Exams for CCNP-642-902 helps people interested in obtaining a Cisco CCNP certificate test their knowledge and simulate exams similar to those that will be provided by the Cisco specialists in charge of the official examination.