SpinFire is a CAD data visualization platform that enables you to interact with both 2D and 3D design within a user-friendly environment. Its purpose is to allow fast communication and idea sharing between members of a manufacturing organization, based on the performed measurements and analysis.

The application is compatible with most CAD file types and assembly data, enabling you to import data from various applications, such as AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor and many more

It supports various render modes (wire frame, triangle mesh, flat / smooth shading, reflective) and enables you to set the transparency level and the color of the component, so as to obtain a more clear view.

SpinFire can help you perform various calculations and measurements to check that the design matches the customer's requirements. You can use it to determine volumes, areas and thickness, calculate angles, distances and coordinates.

The viewer can create annotations and investigate each individual component, as well as build prototypes and animations that can be easily shared with the customer for feedback request. Furthermore, the application enables you to alter attributes and change the properties of the model, such as the used material.

SpinFire enables you to analyze complex 3D models and take measurements without having any experience in CAD engineering. It saves you the resources needed to purchase an expensive CAD application, while allowing design analysis and fast data extraction.

Its purpose is to provide top-management members and quality assurance workers with a reliable visualization tool with support for all the major CAD formats, capable of generating a mock-up of the product that can be used to verify the model parameters.