SQL EasyDoc is a user-friendly and comprehensive piece of software whose main purpose resides in helping you document your SQL databases, enabling you to generate HTML or DOC files comprising the specifics of your server.

The application is fairly simple to understand and handle, yet it is more suited for advanced individuals, as working with databases is not the easiest of tasks.

Nonetheless, SQL EasyDoc’s straightforward method of functioning makes it accessible to a wider range of people and requires a reduced level of effort from your.

The program allows you to login to your server of choice, letting you pick one of the detected connections from a drop-down menu. Afterward, you can opt between ‘Windows Authentication’ and ‘Server Authentication’, the latter of which will have you input your username and password in order to access it.

Once connected, SQL EasyDoc enables you to choose the information you want to include in your documentation, for instance ‘Server Properties’ (name, version, edition, etc), ‘Advanced Server Settings’ (remote access availability, nested triggers, and others), as well as which ‘Sections’ you want to add.

Subsequently, you can use the ‘Generate Documentation’ component from the ‘Tools’ menu and define a destination folder as well as the preferred format. You can even apply a timestamp to your file, if you see fit. Finally, you can press ‘Start’ and within moments, your file will be generated, automatically opening in your default software.

To conclude, SQL EasyDoc is a useful and reliable utility developed to offer you a simple means of obtaining database documentation for all your SQL servers, saving you valuable time and effort in the process.