In order for competitions to have a result and a winner, a score system is used in which both teams race to gather as many points as they can through various methods determined by the competition's rules. Major sports that play on fields have a scoreboard constantly displayed and with applications like Video Overlay Scoreboard Basic you can now have one on your desktop for personal use or small environments.

In terms of design, the application manages to live up to expectations and puts a pretty intuitive scoreboard on your desktop, with options to have a simple one displayed or switch to a fullscreen view. Various customization options let you modify certain elements to make it represent the game it's tracking or making elements clearer.

The application uses a clever hotkey system to control counting points and managing the timer so you don't ruin the view, giving it a bit of a professional feel. These can be changed from the settings menu, with the default ones being simple enough for anyone to remember and use.

When changing appearance settings make sure to keep labels short or you risk ending up with a board that either can't be fitted to your display or is too small for elements to be clearly visible. Besides labels, you are free to change colors for any element you encounter, as well as for the background when in fullscreen mode. Sadly, it's not possible to set a picture as background, with only an option to attach one on the board itself.

Once you're ready to go, time is toggled through hotkeys and the same goes for adding one, two or three points to teams for a value of up to 199. In addition, you can enable a shot timer to be displayed either on the board or on a separate screen. There are even a few sounds you can trigger, one for the end of the shots timer, while the other to be used as a buzzer.

Organizing a competition means assembling at least two teams or competitors and with Video Overlay Scoreboard Basic you can cleverly keep track of their progress, as well as the match time. Built-in customization options give you the possibility to blend it with any environment or event, while hotkey implementation makes sure your display is easily updated without bringing up additional menus.