VideoMix brings to the table an overly simple application for merging video files. Providing support for some of the most popular media formats including M4V, MP4, AVI, and more, VideoMix can blend multiple videos into a single output, encoding the new video in the process and making sure that the quality loss is at its lowest.

Working with VideoMix is a breeze. The minimalistic design of the main window allows you to get accustomed to the application in no time, regardless of your previous experience with media manipulation software tools.

You can add as many videos as you like to the input list, but keep in mind that the higher their number, the longer it takes for VideoMix to complete the merging and conversion processes. Unfortunately, there is no support for adding videos using drag and drop.

Each video is previewed in thumbnail mode, and its waveform is displayed. The order of the videos can be easily changed by dragging and dropping them in the desired place.

Before joining the videos, you should know that VideoMix also features a few editing tools. You can adjust the volume of each clip and change its tempo and its key. Moreover, the application comes with integrated trimming functions, allowing you to remove unwanted sections of a video. On the downside, there is no preview of the video, so you will just have to use an external player to get the correct start and end points for the cut.

As expected from a video merging tool, VideoMix comes with fading and crossfading effects to make the transition from one video to another much smoother.

As for the output, VideoMix enables you to set its resolution (1280x1080 is the highest), its framerate, and its format (MP4, MKV, AVI, MPG, or MOV).

While it doesn't provide an overwhelming feature set, VideoMix comes in handy if you need to create a single movie by joining multiple smaller videos. It carries out the task without too much hassle from your side, at reasonable speed.

Video joiner Merge video Video mixer Joiner Mixer Merge Join