Our ZIP5Demographic database is a ZIP Code and demographics database that includes licensed USPS data and 80 demographic elements.

Demographic attributes include race, age, income, household size, house value, population figures and number of businesses, employees and payroll. Demographics are provided for ZIP Code and counties.

Additional information related to CBSA, MSA, PMSA, MSA and CSA's is also included. Product is instant download and has a 30 day money back guarantee.

Typical uses for the data includes reducing or eliminating incorrect data entry or even generating lists of zip codes that reside within specific counties, states, . . . etc.

This database will also enable you to do things such as: adding a search function to your web site so that your customers can locate your closest store; segmenting your customer lists by attributes such as race, age, home value, average household size, median household income, population, . . . etc.

This database includes over 79,000 ZIP Code records, 80 data elements and you receive free monthly updates for a year so you know that you have the most up to date data available.

Limitations: Demo data limited to 163 ZIP Code records.