Near the beginning of each new year people rush to buy simple or fully customized calendars of all shapes and size. However, with applications like Calendar Wizard you can design and print your personal double sided calendar that blends in any given environment.

The main window of the application gives you access to all needed functions in order to start the customization process. Most of the space is taken up by a sheet representing a selected month, with any adjustments updated in real time.

Each page can have a different theme, because changes made only apply to the selected month, but there is an option that allows you to quickly replicate the design through the whole year, leaving only minor tweaks to be done.

Color and overall shape can be adjusted and you can also add a picture to further enhance the meaning of an important event or a particular month.

For and even larger variety of customization options, the application gives you the possibility to modify the name of each day of the week, as well as for months. The year can also be set to any value possible, considering we live to take advantage of all 7 available digits.

Furthermore, opening up the events editor enables you to modify the already existing ones or even add your own fictional or real events, depending on your interests.

When work is done, you can choose to print on a double or single sided calendar to share with friends or keep for yourself. It's a pity though, that you are not able to save to an image file and attach to a document.

Taking everything into consideration, we can say that Calendar Wizard is a neat way to materialize a personal date tracker. Various customization options let you tweak any page so that you get a specific feel out of each month.