The Internet became the place where entertainment meets work. This means that you can easily get distracted while doing your job, which is not really a healthy practice in the eyes of the employer. As such, specialized applications like Efcheck might be a mandatory requirement to ensure proper workflow inside a business.

Most of the task is done in a web-based interface, so before everything works accordingly, you need to make sure that both the host and client are constantly connected to the Internet. The client application needs to be installed on the computers you wish to monitor, while reports are accessed from a cloud-interface.

Once you create a master account you need to use the credentials with every client. The dedicated monitoring tool only runs in the background, and you can choose to have it launched with Windows, so you don’t have to run the program or punch in the credentials every time. These are saved in an INI file, which make the prompt a one-time action.

As mentioned, monitoring is done from a web-interface, which means it can even be accessed from a mobile phone. Active computers must first be selected, and you’re then free to generate reports. These are accessed from a dedicated drop-down menu, with a detailed table showing related data you can even export.

Various report types can be generated, such as activity per day, either for a computer or group, summarized activity, as well as total activity per computer or group. You can create custom groups and add one or more computers to be monitored. To stop tracking activity on a specific computer, or associate with a different master account, simply delete the INI file automatically created next to the client executable.

Taking everything into consideration, we can state that Efcheck is a pretty straightforward monitoring tool. Setting up the host and clients is an easy task, with credentials automatically saved for more comfort. Management is done from a web-based interface, with various types of reports to generate, view, and export.