Font Conversion Tool will offer you the possibility of converting specific font file formats such as EOT, TTF, and WOFF with the additional option of converting to and from the SVG file format. The application moves fast, and there's virtually nothing for you to configure. It's one of those applications where you open it, load up what you want to process, process it and then pick up your file for use with whatever program you need it for.

There is no surprise in the fact that this application works as advertised. It's simple to use and efficient. The real question is why would you need to use this application in the first place? One particular reason is to be able to use a certain font set with an application that doesn't support the file format you currently have. Let's say you have an EOT file, but your application requires TTF or WOFF to properly work. Use the application, load up the current font, and presto! You will be able to use your font with other applications.

With SVG, the story could go a little further from simple font conversion. While the SVG format is also known in the font-related topics as the color-enabled font file type, the truth is this format can have many other uses. One particular use is in designing webpages due to efficient scalability properties and subsequent reduced proportions. It was deemed the most efficient in format for online use and as such can be very useful to anybody working in the online industry. Font Conversion Tool can also help you transform your font files to and from the SVG format.

Font Conversion Tool seems to be an application that only a handful of people might be interested in. Whether this is true or not is less important, seeing as this program provides important functionality to those users interested in font conversion and even online programming or designing. It's simple, even basic to a certain extent, it's fast and it really is efficient. As long as you have font conversion needs, this application can take care of them without any issues.