Writing in English can be challenging at times, and Ludwig is one of the apps that can help you make sure your texts are error-free.

To enjoy the features of this application, you only need to paste the phrase or sentence you are interested in, then wait until Ludwig displays contextualized examples from various sources.

Basically, you can find out if your way of writing the sentence was the best one, while also getting examples of the ways other authors wrote it. This way, you can discover synonyms to use in your own text, as well as new word orders.

If any of the suggestions catches your eye, you can click a dedicated button and Ludwig displays a larger paragraph  or even the entire source article.

You do not need to manually launch Ludwig whenever you want to benefit from its functionality, as it runs in the background (you can set it to automatically run at Windows startup). Due to a dedicated keyboard combination, you can bring its main window to the foreground and paste the sentence you are working on.

You can customize this hotkey to your liking, which can come in handy if the default combination conflicts with another one on your computer.

Additionally, Ludwig keeps a list with all the searches you have previously made and offers you the possibility to browse it at a later time. You can restart any of the displayed searches with a single mouse click.

All in all, Ludwig offers you a novel approach to improving your writing skills, especially if English is a foreign language for you. Due to its contextualized examples, you can discover interesting constructions and synonyms that can make your text sound more professional.