Most important information is stored on the Internet and it can sometimes be difficult to have it saved on your computer's hard disk drive. Luckily, specialized applications like 7-PDF Website Converter gives you the possibility to save the content of any web page in the form of a PDF file for you to use in various projects.

Your computer won't feel a thing from running the application because of its small appetite for resources. Once it runs, it's as easy as placing the desired URL in a specified field and hit the “Convert to PDF” button or use the drag and drop method for the process to start automatically.

Since web pages are found in various shape and size, the application puts several page specific options at your disposal. Similar to the session before a printing process, you can choose the page orientation, as well as the papersize from a drop-down menu.

Browsing through the main window you find a “Save options”. You are able to set the application to ask you where to store the newly created PDF file each time or set a default destination folder. Additionally, an option prevents the application from overwriting files with the same name, just to be on the safe side.

Furthermore, you can get a quick preview of the newly created file immediately after the conversion process is complete. Toggling this option on gives you the possibility to select a preferred PDF-Viewer.

Taking everything into consideration, we can say that 7-PDF Website Converter gives you the possibility to get ahold of any desired web page and have it saved to a PDF file in a matter of seconds. It saves you a great amount of time when important info that is found on some web sited is hard to get.