Many different text editors developed throughout the years, some of which focus on specific file formats, while other come with a more flexible design. With this in mind, CAD-KAS Word Processor comes with a variety of text editing tools, insert options, database manipulation, and PDF export options.

The visual design is pretty easy to understand, even though it’s fitted with all kinds of elements and buttons in the upper toolbar. The page layout is neat, with guidelines to help edit content, as well as header and footer. Top and side rulers help arrange text, with the possibility to set margins, and even use preset text alignment functions.

File support isn’t abundant, but you are able to work with some popular formats like DOC, RTF, and TXT. The same types are available for export, but the main attraction here is PDF. Although you can’t drop files over the main window, or work with different tabs, the application does let you edit multiple documents at a time, each in its own window.

Text itself benefits from rich formatting options like color, style, size, attributes, and background color. Enumeration is possible either with bullets or numbers. You can choose to write on multiple columns by defining them, highlight important bits of text, and define line spacing with up to double the original.

Insert options make it possible to add quite the variety of elements to your documents. Pictures are one thing, which is a major advantage considering you can export PDF. Other options can be used to draw different lines and geometrical shapes, insert page number, date and time, form field, special characters and more.

The application also comes with a spell checker which is enabled by default. The status bar shows details regarding rows, columns, and characters, but you can also view more details in the word counter tool. Working with tables is an easy task, while database management allows you to work with DBF files.

All things considered, we can state that CAD-KAS Word Processor is a powerful text editor which especially comes in handy for creating PDF documents. Although file support is slightly outdated, the variety of tools you get to work with are sure to make the application worth your while.