If often you find yourself streaming content online while also playing tunes on Spotify, then you're most likely facing tons of questions regarding the artists you're listening to and so on. One particular way to answer or avoid being asked these questions is to employ the help of EasyStreamDisplay for Spotify, an application that mirrors whatever you've got playing on Spotify in a tiny player-like app in any corner of the screen you wish to have it positioned.

The application itself seems to be directed towards streamers, mostly. It could very easily be a way to keep easier tabs on the stuff you're listening to, without having to open your browser or desktop app. Regardless, the mini-player does function as advertised. The app itself integrates functionality from Spotify4Unity, sporting an improved interface specifically created for streaming scenarios. With this application, one can play and pause music, skip forward and backward, and decide the order in which various songs should be played.

While the application doesn't really support a lot of tailoring to one's needs or wants, there are a few aspects that can be improved or simply changed. You can hide/show controls by using the Esc button. You can adjust the size of the windows and also reset it to the original size. In order to be able to reset it, you'll have to click the Tab button. The most interesting feature, by far, is the possibility to change player colors. You'll need to know the specific shade in hex code, and replace the existing one in the Settings.txt file.

EasyStreamDisplay might not be of great help to all users. It will most likely catch the eye of music streamers or people who at least use Spotify enough to desire easier access to some of its features. The program itself functions flawlessly, and it offers the features it advertises. There really is nothing else one can expect from this particular application.