How well have you been taking care of your eyes lately? Do you feel your eyes are sore after long hours spent in front of your screen? If the answer is yes, then you are on your way to damaging your eyes, and the one thing that could help them is blinking.

Yes, blinking. How does this fit into an application you may wonder? It's simple. Eyeblink is a monitoring program that aims to improve blinking for individuals sitting in front of their PC all day. It also aims to keep dry eye syndrome under control for those users who have been displaying its symptoms.

In theory, this application works by analyzing the number of times you blink when in front of your PC. How does it do that? It uses a specific algorithm developed to track your eyes through an ordinary webcam. It does sound futuristic, but it really isn't. The application can issue reminders in two distinct ways.

The first and most interesting is when the program warns you about blinking based on the feedback it got from you through your webcam. The other option is simply having a reminder displayed at regular intervals. It also keeps track of your eye strain evolution, displaying a health chart for reference.

If being told when to blink by an application is not enough for you, you can always have it also teach you to exercise your blinking with certain actions. The aim is, again, to have your vision be as clear as possible and your eyes as relaxed as needed.

Every 20 minutes, an eye exercise notification will be displayed, prompting you to keep your eyes tightly closed for a number of moments, for example. The application can also track your breaks, correlating the use of mouse or keyboard for detecting break times. It then goes on to reschedule reminders for breaks, based on that.

Eyeblink is an interesting application to have around. Whether or not you're going to find it useful, it won't hurt to try and see at least for a short period how you and your eyes are faring. It's also great fun to see the algorithm behind the app at work and the way it detects blinking and registers it. If you're one of those individuals with dry eye syndrome, then you most likely will benefit from the use of this program.