Join Two MP3 File Sets Together Software is a simple tool that lets you join two Mp3 files together. So if you want to merge two songs audio files in order to generate them as a single file, then this app can be of help.

After the brief installation process is over, the UI pops up. It can be noticed that the UI has two identical windows where the files are to be loaded before merging. Besides the button displayed on-screen, there are no more combo menus or hidden settings to work with.

Files can be added one by one or an entire folder, by using the "Add all MP3 File(s) in Folder." The app can easily merge the list of files in a single sweep. For example, if there are ten files in each window, pair them up and hit "Start Joining"; there will be ten different output files for every existent pair. If you need to stat another process, use "Clear List" and load new files.

As an annoying feature, when manually adding files, if the number of files between the windows is not equal, the app will inform you about this by popping up a message about the number. This delays the files addition if done manually.

If you have a large number of files ready for joining, you can use the directional button in order to select files for pairing up. This process can also be done by mouse, but for a user that heavily use the keyboard (or laptop users) this may come in handy.

Join Two MP3 File Sets Together Software is handy that can be used for songs merging or any audio files. Any user can smoothly operate it as its process is simple and intuitive.