Have you ever dreamt of being able to broadcast your stream to more than one source at the same time? If the answer to this question was a definite yes, then you should look into Streamster. This application combines numerous features into a reliable and easy-to-handle package for beginners and pros alike. There something for each particular type of user. It doesn't require you to log in or learn intricate new commands.

Now, the app itself uses cloud-based multi streaming and RTMP live broadcast to offer this versatile streaming platform. Alongside these elements, it also includes video and audio filters, although not numerous and not that fancy, the ability to create backups and manage your channels. It's not heavy on your CPU or internet connection, it can deal with videos up to 4k 60FPS and includes two custom endpoints right out of the box for no cost.

The best part when it comes to using Streamster is the high number of services it is compatible with. Some, like Steam, YouTube, Twitch, and VK, you must have heard of definitely, but others such as Periscope, Smashcast, Socio, and Nonolive will seem totally new. The palette of choice is quite large and when it comes to streaming this can only be a good thing.

The way the app is displayed can also be changed. You have four options ranging from Compact to Dock view and Full-screen mode. Streaming services can also be shown or removed from the main list depending on the type of material you'd like to stream. Choose to see Gaming-relevant services or go for Vlog-related channels. It is all up to you. The power of Streamster is put in your hands right after you install the application on your machine.