Keeping track of all the hardware issues that occur across an entire network can be exhausting for an administrator, and checking individual PCs for problems is both time-consuming and intrusive.

Thankfully, applications like SyvirSen can help you monitor everything from a single location and even identify issues before they become serious.

One of the major advantages of SyvirSen is that you are not required to install a separate agent on every PC you wish to monitor; this makes deployment a lot simpler, as you only need to install the main application on the administrator’s machine.

Performing a scan isn’t terribly complex, but it will still be somewhat confusing for first-time users due to the rather unusual UI layout. Some documentation is available online, but it is not particularly extensive or easy to read.

Once you have completed a scan, the application can generate a comprehensive list of components that are functioning as expected or have issues that need to be addressed. It relies on a broad range of sensors to obtain information relevant to each device.

Interestingly, the information can be presented in multiple forms, including a 3D representation of the PC. You can click on sensors to see more details, and colors are used to give you a clear indication of whether a component is OK or needs your attention.

SyvirSen is a great tool for a network administrator, as it provides you with a convenient method of keeping track of hardware issues from a single location. It does not require agents to be installed on all PCs, and it can perform a scan relatively quickly.

However, the user interface is noticeably out-of-date, and first-time users may find its layout to be a bit confusing. Also, it would help if the online documentation were available locally in an easily readable format.