Planning a trip can be quite a hassle, starting with finding the ideal flight and the most suitable accommodation for all your relatives or friends.

Azuon is one of the solutions meant to take some edge off this task, so as to leave you with plenty of time to actually enjoy the vacation.

As you would expect, you need to start by specifying your departure and destination airports, along with the dates you are interested in. You can look for available flights on these exact dates, or you can go for a flexible schedule as this usually results in cheaper fares.

You can also choose the days when you want to travel, as well as the companies you prefer. The number of passengers can be entered as well, including the number of children and/or infants.

Azuon can be adapted to your precise needs, and you can create the configuration that best matches your expectations. For example, you can allow the app to surprise you with very cheap trips departing from a neighboring airport, thus offering you the possibility to prolong your stay or simply experiment with new destinations.

You can also choose your preferred currency, and define your chosen payment method for each company you typically travel with. Moreover, you can filter the list of available flights by entering how much money you are willing to spend for all passengers. Alternatively, you can set Azuon to only show you the cheapest option for each route.

To wrap it up, Azuon can save you a lot of time and energy when it comes to looking for the perfect flight for your and your family. Unfortunately, the unregistered version brings numerous restrictions, yet you can still get a glimpse of the true power of this software solution.