PDF WIZ is a feature-packed software solution that can meet most, if not all, your PDF-related necessities.

While the interface does not impress with its appearance, it is still intuitive and user-friendly, and all supported conversions are neatly organized, along with complementary operations.

Probably the main reason for using PDF WIZ is converting your documents to other formats so you can share them with your colleagues or simply edit them with greater ease.

The supported target formats are: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Image, HTML, EPUB and XPS, and you get to customize some of the output files' settings to your liking.

You can also generate PDFs by converting specific files, such as Word, images, EPUB and XPS. Also, you need to keep in mind that processing e-books (namely EPUB files) is bound to take a little more time to complete, so patience is required.

PDF WIZ can also come in handy when you want to quickly split or merge your documents - you only need to drag and drop the PDFs onto the dedicated windows, then choose the splitting method or the destination folder.

Additionally, you can extract images or pages from your chosen documents, as well as compress them with a single mouse click.

Last but not least, you can remove a password from your loaded PDF, or you can add one to it to protect it from unauthorized access.

All in all, PDF WIZ can help you save not only time, but also energy when it comes to converting your PDF files to and from other formats. Moreover, you can even split or merge files without needing to open a third-party app, as well as extracting individual pages or images from PDFs.