Workflow charts are essential for almost any line of work, especially object driven approaches or those projects which involve the use of classes, relationships, and hierarchical structuring. Flowrigami was developed in order to provide users with such functionality. It will enable one to create, edit, and visualize various workflows, configure them via graphical components, and achieve BPM integration for businesses.

Unlike similar solutions, Flowrigami offers a GUI-oriented approach to workflow design and is deployed through a lightweight JavaScript component. UML activities are fully supported and users will be able to perform importing and exporting of their workflows in JSON format, using the component’s API. Furthermore, the workflows can also be exported as a graphical format, in PNG.

Indicator elements that are deployed with the library will allow one to highlight the workflow progress, and the component can be initialized into two, distinct modes: “Edit” or “View”.

In order to embed the functionality of the component to one’s website, the “” JavaScript library needs to be inserted into the header of the code block. The component can then be initiated using the target ID and previously created diagrams can be imported as string variables if users require such functionality.