Attendance at the workplace has been done for centuries on paper, and It's still being practiced today. Still, we all know how easy and waste-free it is to replace paper with software, and the advantages are plenty. TimeClockFree provides an all-around attendance tracker that can take care of your business, ensuring your employees have a quicker and better method of clocking in.

Logging in with the admin credentials is the first step in using the app. The clock-in option is reserved for the employees after their accounts and details were set up. Accessing the backend will give you a lot of functions to play around with. Take a look at the request page, keep track of your employees by checking out their location or GPS coordinates, see who's at work or who's not, send internal messages, manage shifts and schedules and read reports about payroll tasks, and more.

As more and more people are working from home, having a multi-platform tool is an advantage. TimeClockFree can be deployed from personal computers and smartphones, so the employees can clock in from their home premises, or any location you might be sending them. In addition, nobody can access the backend without an administrator account, so having breaches in the system is not a possibility.

TimeClockFree is a resource developed to aid businesses with attendance tracking, making it of no use for regular individuals. Unless you are part of a business HR department or have your own enterprise, this application cannot be of use. Also, operating such an app will require a bit of time to get used to as the UI is hefty and complex; and a particular set of skills are needed, mainly HR or management-related.